Vacuum Dehydrated Capsicum Powder


Weight: 100 gm

Note: Prices can vary as per the market condition.

Looking for the Vacuum Dehydrated Capsicum Powder? Divine Delicacy Foods is a leading manufacturer, exporter, and bulk seller of Dehydrated Capsicum Powder. We export Dehydrated Capsicum Powder at the most affordable prices and are available in different sizes. We always ensure the quality of our delivered products to our clients.


• Dehydrated Capsicum Powder adds mild spice to your food due to its spicy texture. It makes any instant mix an appetizing dish and elevates the taste when added as a topping in pizzas, soups, salads, dips, marinades, sauces, and stews.
• Dehydrated Capsicum Powder is a genus of pepper plants that are produced and used worldwide in international cuisines.
• Dehydrated Capsicum Powder is a versatile staple with unbelievable health benefits that adds delicious flavor to your favorite dishes.
• It is a natural immunity booster with many more health benefits.
• Dehydrated Capsicum Powder adds mild spice to your food due to its spicy texture.
• It makes any instant mix an appetizing dish and elevates the taste when added as a topping in pizzas, soups, salads, dips, marinades, sauces, and stews.
• Our unique dehydration process preserves the nutrition profile and quality of the product.
• Free from Harmful Chemicals, Pesticides & No Additives