Vacuum Dehydrated Moth Sprouts


Weight: 100 gm

Note: Prices can vary as per the market condition.

Looking for the Vacuum Dehydrated Moth Sprouts? Divine Delicacy Foods is a leading manufacturer, exporter, and bulk seller of dehydrated Moth Sprouts. We export Dehydrated Moth Sprouts at the most affordable prices and are available in different sizes. We always ensure the quality of our delivered products to our clients.



• Vacuum Dehydrated Moth Sprouts or Matki are loaded with protein, calcium, and an array of vitamins, and minerals, these tiny pulses oblong in shape should be a part of your daily meal plan for combating various health issues.
• Dehydrated Moth Sprouts or Matki are loaded with protein, calcium and an array of vitamins, and minerals, these tiny pulses oblong in shape should be a part of your daily meal plan for combating various health issues.
• Consume Dehydrated Moth Sprouts for losing weight, building muscle, strengthening bones, reducing stress, and keeping your heart healthy.
• Eat a fistful of sprouted moth beans in the morning to meet your daily calcium requirements.
• Our unique dehydration process preserves the nutrition profile and quality of the product.
• Free from Harmful Chemicals, Pesticides & No Additives